Aremco Barriers - Why Choose Us?

We are a provider of innovative products in traffic management and security industry. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services that meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

We strive to be a trusted partner in helping our customers achieve their goals. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing the best customer service and support. We are constantly innovating and developing new products and services to ensure that our customers have the best experience possible. We look forward to helping you reach your goals and creating a lasting partnership.

At Aremco Barriers, we believe that our customers are our most valuable asset. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible experience and to ensure that they are satisfied with our products and services.  We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services that exceed their expectations. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible customer service and satisfaction.

Now a little bit more about how the Company began.

We were originally called 'Aremco Products' but back in October 2019, our Managing Director due to ill health, made the decision to retire. However, Network Cable & Pipe Supports Ltd saw the opportunity to purchase the business and give it a slight name change. Prior to that, Aremco Products had been trading for over 50 years.

Aremco Barriers is a trading name of Network Cable and Pipe Supports Ltd.

Aremco Barriers is a British manufacturer of cost-effective and economical traffic and pedestrian access control products providing engineering and development solutions for swing gates, height barriers, parking restriction, and pedestrian access control.

The product range has been designed for a variety of purposes and for instance, can be customised to meet specific requirements. For this purpose, the categories of pedestrians and vehicles eligible for access have been determined by the objectives of the scheme. It is also important to choose the duration of the restriction in accordance with the requirements of the scheme.


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