Bollards and Posts : The Ultimate Guide

Bollards and posts are an essential part of modern urban design, playing an important role in keeping pedestrians safe. They provide a secure barrier between pedestrians and vehicles, helping to ensure that pedestrians can move safely through urban areas. Bollards and posts also help to create a sense of order and organization in urban environments, making them more aesthetically pleasing and inviting. By providing a physical barrier between pedestrians and vehicles, bollards and posts help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, making urban areas safer and more enjoyable for everyone.

This guide aims to provide an overview of the various types of bollards and posts available, as well as their advantages and installation requirements. It will discuss the different materials and designs that are available, and how they can be used to protect property, provide security, and enhance the aesthetics of a space. Additionally, it will provide guidance on the installation process, including the tools and techniques needed to ensure a successful installation. With this information, readers should be able to make an informed decision about the type of bollard or post that best suits their needs.

Bollards are posts that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as round, square, and rectangular. They can be made of steel, concrete, or wood and can either be removable or permanent. Posts are similar to bollards, but they are taller and narrower in shape. They are typically used to mark boundaries or provide additional security.

Both bollards and posts can be used to control traffic, provide security, and protect pedestrians from vehicles. Bollards are typically short and cylindrical, while posts are usually taller and rectangular. Installation requirements for each type of bollard or post differ depending on the location of the installation. Bollards and posts can be made from a variety of materials, such as steel, wood, or concrete, and can be used in a variety of settings, from public parks and streets to private businesses and homes.

The requirements for installing bollards or posts can vary greatly depending on the type of bollard or post, as well as the location of the installation. Different types of bollards or posts may require different tools or materials for installation, and the installation process may need to be adapted to suit the specific environment. For example, if the installation is taking place in a public area, additional safety measures may be necessary to ensure the safety of those in the vicinity. 

Furthermore, if the bollard or post is being installed in a location with specific soil conditions, additional steps may be required to ensure that the installation is secure and stable. It is important to consider all of these factors when planning the installation of bollards or posts. It is important to consider the environment, size, and weight of the bollard or post when choosing the right type for the job. With the right selection and installation, bollards and posts can provide a secure and attractive addition to any public space.

At Aremco Barriers, we provide a wide variety of bollard and post options to meet the needs of our customers. These include telescopic, removable, hoops, fixed, fold-down, and self-righting bollards. However, we do not offer automated electric bollards, as they are more complex and costly than what the majority of our customers need.

As a general rule, the height of the parking bollard or post provides the necessary level of protection. At our company, we manufacture all of our bollards from mild steel and have a powder coated finish. However, for those who require a higher level of protection, it is possible to manufacture most bollards from more durable materials such as stainless steel or aluminum. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible protection for their parking areas.

The self-righting posts that we offer are bought in from a very reliable source.

Our bollards and posts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as providing a visual deterrent, segregating areas, protecting cars from theft, and delineating and protecting a perimeter. Any type of bollard or post will provide added security to any building or area, as well as protect areas from potential collisions. Furthermore, security and protection bollards and parking posts can be used to control vehicle access and reserve parking spaces. In this way, bollards and posts can be used to help ensure the safety and security of any area.

Our company understands the importance of installing bollards. We strive to provide quality, security and protection bollards and parking posts that will not detract from the overall appearance of any building or open area. Bollards can be used to provide perimeter protection or to effectively segregate pedestrians and vehicles, without compromising aesthetics. We are committed to providing bollards that are both secure and aesthetically pleasing.

Due to the high number of vehicle thefts in our area in recent years, our Telescopic Security Post has become increasingly popular. This product offers a unique selling point (USP) in that, should the inner part of the post (above ground) become damaged, only the inner part needs to be replaced, as opposed to having to excavate the entire unit, which is the case with many other Telescopic Bollards. This saves both time and money, making it a desirable choice for many.

The installation of telescopic bollards is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who are looking for a way to protect their property. This type of security system can be installed at the end of driveways or outside garage doors, providing an effective deterrent for potential thieves. With telescopic bollards, homeowners can rest assured that their property is safe and secure.

We understand that some customers need integral locks on their car parking bollards or posts. However, customer feedback has indicated that this can be prone to malfunction. Therefore, several of our products are equipped with a padlock instead. If the padlock is lost or damaged, it is much more cost-effective to purchase a replacement from a local hardware store. This provides a more reliable and cost-effective solution.

Deterrents such as car parking bollards and posts are also highly effective

In addition to traditional and modern designs, many of our bollards can be coordinated with other street furniture. For locations that may be susceptible to collision impacts, we offer Telescopic Security Bollards and Bumblebee Bollards, both of which are made to order. Our bollards are designed to provide a secure and aesthetically pleasing environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike.

Folding Car Parking Bollards and much more...

At Aremco Barriers, we understand that each customer may have specific requirements for their bollards. To meet these needs, we offer customised bollards with the addition of reflective strips and eyebolts for chains. This allows us to provide a tailored solution for each customer, ensuring that their bollards meet their exact specifications.

Since we manufacture in the UK, we can also look at customer-designed products.

Bollards are a practical security solution for larger open spaces, such as parking lots, forecourts, and precincts that are only accessible on foot. When used in conjunction with warning signs, bollards can be an effective way to protect against vehicles while still providing a welcoming atmosphere for pedestrians. There are three types of bollards available: permanent, removable, and telescopic. Bollards are a great way to ensure safety while still providing a pleasant environment.

On sites that are vulnerable to organised crime threats, bollards allow you to control vehicle access to your site.

Various types of Security and Protection Bollards and Parking Posta can be used to control traffic intake size by restricting movements or to control traffic speed by narrowing the available space.

Traffic-control bollards may be mounted near each other so as to block ordinary cars, yet far enough apart to permit double buggies, mobility scooters, and bicycles to pass. Car-free zones can also be enclosed using fixed bollards.

Overspill parking onto pavements and verges can be controlled by the use of bollards and other street furniture.

Bollards are used to protect assets in many industries and commercial buildings. They are typically composed of a single steel post that is either bolted into concrete or installed directly into a hard surface. Bollards can be used to protect utilities, electronics, machinery, buildings, or pedestrians from accidental collisions with vehicles, such as passenger cars or forklifts. This is a simple, yet effective way to ensure safety and security in a variety of settings.

It is becoming increasingly imperative to control traffic access in order to ensure vehicles are protected in a safe and secure manner. Our products are designed to provide this protection.

Certain locations require bollards to mitigate criminal threats, but because these are located outside of the premises in pedestrian areas, certain factors should be considered when installing them.

Designers should take into account a number of factors when planning the location and arrangement of bollards. These recommendations will help ensure that operational objectives are met while minimising any negative impacts on route capacity, comfort, convenience, or conflict. These considerations include the size and shape of the bollard, the spacing between them, the height of the bollard, the visibility of the bollard, and the overall design of the bollard placement. 

Furthermore, designers should take into account the potential for bollard placement to create additional hazards or conflicts with other road users. By taking all of these factors into account, designers can ensure that bollard placement meets operational objectives while minimising any negative impacts on route capacity, comfort, convenience, or conflict.

It is recommended that the total width of a bollard array (measured from the outermost bollard structures) be greater than the exit width being protected.

It is recommended that bollards be positioned away from a site's natural pinch points, such as narrow passageways, in order to maintain existing service levels.

Ensure that bollards are placed in such a way that they will not force pedestrians to walk close to the edge of the road.

Identify pedestrian desire lines by taking into account factors beyond the site boundary, such as public transportation stations, large office buildings, or tourist attractions.

In the vicinity of pedestrian desire lines, position bollards in a perpendicular direction.

Do not place bollards in areas likely to cause pedestrian conflict, such as areas where pedestrian desire lines overlap, or where visibility is limited, especially along narrow passageways or where stationary activity occurs, such as queuing.

It is important to keep in mind the height and visibility of bollards, particularly during low light conditions or during rush hour peaks, when they may be obscured by crowds.

In cases of high or complex flow conditions, a site assessment may be necessary.

A site that is subject to high levels of pedestrian traffic must accommodate movement safely and in a convenient and comfortable manner.

A bollard spaced with a gap of 1.2M has negligible effects on pedestrians' convenience, such as changing body position or reducing speed for a short period of time. Under these conditions, the health and safety of pedestrians would not be compromised.


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